15.5mil alliance looking for one killer :)

So, we are highly organized alliance which is together for over a year or even two. First two seasons we finished in top of Gold1 (top100). This season we are going hard for Platinum (currently 29th in Gold1).

What we are looking for is: minimum prestige of 6400 who can clear AW paths with minimum deaths. Elder's bane is a must and you are active enough to keep up with other parts of the game.
No doubt we will get in Platinum3 this time, it's just if you are going to be with us or not :)

Other info about alliance:
We play AQ map 5 all 5 days with total score 127mil+, top500 (440-460 range) so t4cc and 500 t2 shards weekly.

All 3-day events are 100% including arena wins and perfect series thanks to few hardcore arena grinders. By 100% I mean we achive highest peak milestone.

Donations are usual for 5x5.

We are good squad and absolutely drama free so even if we are going to push hard when we win it's great, when we lose it's still a game. No stress, no dramas.

Not sure if I can say more, so for more info hit me on Line, ID is Venom787


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