Infinity War Captain America synergy

I have been teaming Hulk up with Cap IW for over 2 weeks now and have yet to trigger weakness with Hulk whether hitting or getting hit. I never see a debuff pop up and it doesn’t seem to work. Anyone have any luck getting weakness to trigger?
It only works when the enemy doesn't hit you. In other words, is good to reduce damage from abilities based on the enemy attack, like bleed, poison, limbo, incineration, etc.
I don’t think it would affect bleed/poison/etc., those are usually based on attack value when it is applied which should be unaffected by this weakness.
Pls add if i missed some
Yeh you're probably right on that ... I didn't tested it for myself yet.
The way the bleed/poison debuffs are triggered is also important. Champs like morningstar or abomination need to get hit to apply them to the enemy, which means these can be affected by the synergy