Looking for alliance

greeley770greeley770 Member Posts: 18
I am 101k and looking for an alliance that is at least silver 1 and 3.5 million, plus I can do 44432 for aq I am active and get on daily. So if interested in adding to your alliance my username is greeley770


  • greeley770greeley770 Member Posts: 18
  • MrDMrD Member Posts: 30
    Join our alliance. Add me in game - the_purple_lightning. We are a perfect match for your requirements. 3.5 mil. silver 1.
  • Zwobniar_LSD_13Zwobniar_LSD_13 Member Posts: 56
    Still looking?
  • Stephiichu_420Stephiichu_420 Member Posts: 11
    The Stoned Avengers

    Hello Summoners!
    We are looking for 5 members to join our active yet chill alliance.
    Currently we are running map 2/3 but hope to eventually ne running map 53533! We run and 100% 3 bgs.
    We are Gold 3 in war, and run 2bgs.
    Line is absolutely required, for good communication!
    (Some content in chat may not be suitable for all ages, discretion is advised!)
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