Thoughts on merging alliances instead of looking for players

OK as any leader or good officer knows finding skilled players is like finding a needle in a haystack and it takes forever and a day. so why not have a discussion group were we can share alliance info for the purpose of merging alliances so we can get bigger rewards from alliance quest and alliance wars. If enough ppl think its a good idea ill start another discussion but for now id just like ppls thoughts and ideas for what info should be shared via the dicussion page. so basic info should be

in game name
alliance name
line ID
how many spaces you have for merger/or how many ppl you can bring over for merger
AQ map (i.e 55554) .

any thoughts would be appreciated guys


  • Pot_Belly_Papa1Pot_Belly_Papa1 Member Posts: 61
    Depends entirely what players/Alliances are looking for at the time. Merging alliances is a great idea especially as it brings multiple players but one downside is there are normally more players wanting to merge than spaces availabe.
    Another great idea is joining up with a bigger Alli ( or smaller) depending on who you are and what your goals are . The latter is great for instant pampers if holidays/ unexpected events crop up so the alliance can keep running at full speed .
    All in all a great post !
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    Ideally you'd have two 'full' alliances, where you could setup sister alliance, for the 'weaker' players to develop and a main for the 'strongest' players to continue to develop. Move people around as needed for breaks, etc. Everyone has to buy in though, and agree on how best to run the now 'merged' alliance. Who's leader, how are the officers split. etc.
  • DEADPOOL187DEADPOOL187 Member Posts: 13
    ive done one before and its pretty cold what i did. basiscally found an alliance that wanted to merge, they picked there 10 strongest players i picked my 10 weakest players and kicked them all at the same time to make room for the new 10, but the new 10 are there own group in my alliance so they have played together for ages and have there routines and paths already in place. its worked well and reduces the amount of work i have to do as leader now that i only look after 2 groups.
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    That is pretty cold. So you have like a BG that is just them and they do their own thing?
  • DEADPOOL187DEADPOOL187 Member Posts: 13
    yer we agreed the rules before the merger so they know which events are a must do. they pick who stays and who goes from there group its worked out well for both of us
  • Noob_6875GHBNoob_6875GHB Member Posts: 6
    c est une bonne idée, mais qui est très compliqué a mettre en place. il faut déjà trouver une équipe dun niveau équivalent avc les mm motivations, mais surtout, l un des 2 leaders devra abandonner la team kil a créé. cela dit, si le résultat peut largement valoir le coup.
  • DEADPOOL187DEADPOOL187 Member Posts: 13
    that is why we need a place were we can advertise our alliances so ppl can find other alliances of equal strength.
    would be like tinder for mcoc lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    c est une bonne idée, mais qui est très compliqué a mettre en place. il faut déjà trouver une équipe dun niveau équivalent avc les mm motivations, mais surtout, l un des 2 leaders devra abandonner la team kil a créé. cela dit, si le résultat peut largement valoir le coup.

    Oui. C'est tellement compliqué. En plus c'est grave.
  • DEADPOOL187DEADPOOL187 Member Posts: 13
    it is serious these t4c cost a lot of cash if i can get them for free by strengthening my alliance an getting the top rewards then its all good dude
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    not sure if it would necessarily be considered a merge, but joined an alliance as a group of 8 members at once. Definitely an adjustment period on both sides. cant imagine choosing those 8 people to kick out that you probably spent so long recruiting before
  • XMEN1994XMEN1994 Member Posts: 51
    ive done one before and its pretty cold what i did. basiscally found an alliance that wanted to merge, they picked there 10 strongest players i picked my 10 weakest players and kicked them all at the same time to make room for the new 10, but the new 10 are there own group in my alliance so they have played together for ages and have there routines and paths already in place. its worked well and reduces the amount of work i have to do as leader now that i only look after 2 groups.

    You, i like how you do things. B)
  • JcmdawgJcmdawg Member Posts: 22
    We are looking for a merger:

    jcmdawg or Striker50 in game or on Line app
    Obsidian Original [OBsOG] Alliance
    We are looking for a full BG or a merge with another alliance of up to 15 members.

    5.9 Million
    1300 AW rank
    AQ - Expert Tier - We run maps 55533 right now.
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