Why Yondu doesn't have Guardian Tag ??

Yondu in MCU become a Guardian, but seems like they're following the comics because Agent Venom has that tag, but Yondu is the founding member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Why not him ?
He doesn't have that tag either
Nah, the game doesn't follow the MCU 100%. Pretty much picks and chooses which parts it wants.
The game doesn't follow the MCU 100%
But he's not an Avenger, he becomes in Infinity War but that's Iron Spider Suit. Not Stark Enhanced so on that one Kabam is clear.
But as there are multiple earths in the comics, the MCU should be treated as such as well. Just another earth to draw from. So while in the MCU Yondu may have become a guardian minutes prior to dying (shut up, I’m not crying, you’re crying!), in the game he doesn’t.
Storylines decide where someone goes. And while a lot are riding on the relations in the MCU, many are riding on the relations in the comics. And some are riding on ingame relations.
It’s Marvel. Roughly anything can happen..
That's why champions don't automatically k.o. others, or why ghost rider isn't incinerate immune, or why other champions don't have immunities that at your eyes they "should have". Just disregard anything you know about other sources
Kinda hard when they're literally adapted from Comics and Movies.
The Yondu in the MCU and in the Contest is from a completely different reality than the one being referenced in the comics. It even says in the picture you posted that he's from a different reality known as Earth-691.
For those who don't know, the main storyline in the comics takes place in what is known as Earth-616. This is the reality that started in the early 60's with a lot of the classic heroes (Hulk, Fantastic Four, Spider-man, etc.). Alternate versions of these heroes like Ultimate Spider-man or Spider-man Noir exist in their own unique realities.
This is how we have different versions of the same champ. The Contest can pull champs from all realities to participate. That's why we have a Classic Spider-man and a Stark-Enhanced Spider-man, for example. Both are Peter Parker, both received powers after being bitten by a radioactive spider, and both took on the name "Spider-man", but their histories are different. One is a protégé of Tony Stark, the other isn't (among other differences). These histories are unique to the character from a specific timeline. As such, it wouldn't make much sense to give Classic Spidey the "Knowledge Share" synergy with Iron Man because the two don't have much to do with one another even though Stark Spidey and Iron Man do.
Look at other alternate versions in the contest. King Groot is a Groot from another reality. Just because he is Groot doesn't means he should get a #Guardian tag, and rightfully so he doesn't have it. Civil Warrior is Steve Rogers from another reality where the Avengers existed, but he doesn't have the #Avengers tag because he wasn't a part of the Avengers team that the tags are referring to.
Yondu is the same way. An alternate version of Yondu WAS a founding member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, though that team looks drastically different than the one from the MCU. The Yondu in the Contest is from a different reality where we wasn't a founding member of the Guardians. He spent most of his life as a Ravager.