Advice on 5* champs

Hi everyone, been playing for 4/5 months, Act 4 finished, several 4/5 4* and starting to grow my 5* roster. I’d like to get a bit of advice on what is worth. My first was iceman, who I aleeady know is quite good; my second was Carnage, who I already know is totally ****. Third was Angela, I haven’t made up my mind yet: looks fine but any good.? Today I got Corvus (no idea if worthy champ) and 5* Thor ragnarok. A couple of questions: since Angela and Corvus same class, which is the one to go for? As for Thor, I have got it as 4*, awakened, and with synergies he is pretty decent, but no more. Is it the same as a 5*? And in general, which would be your first 3/5? Other than Carnage, is any of them one to NOT upgrade? Btw, all 5* are 2/5 and not awakened.
Any feedback & useful opinion will be welcome. Thanks!
Any feedback & useful opinion will be welcome. Thanks!
Hope this helps a bit