Change Profile Character?

InksterRogersInksterRogers Member Posts: 8
edited July 2017 in General Discussion
So How Do I Change My Profile Picture?


  • cccar1420cccar1420 Member Posts: 57
    Here or in game?
  • cccar1420cccar1420 Member Posts: 57
    If here I had to go to full site to switch my pic to Loki
  • NimerNimer Member Posts: 1
    How I can change my picture
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    In game, tap on your profile bar (with the xp bar and level, etc).
    Then click change profile pic.
    You can choose any champ you have or a pic you bought from store.

    In the forum, click on your name.
    To the right of the page, you will see your current picture. Close by is a change profile picture button.
    Choose one you like, scroll down, and click save.
  • InksterRogersInksterRogers Member Posts: 8
    I know I'm super late, but thanks guys!
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