Thoughts on 5.3 Global Node?

The 50% attack reduction is a drainer to fight against, essentially doubles the health of everyone unless you use a specific Class. I’ve been unfortunate enough to only pull meme tier Mystics so I’ve been stuck on 5.3.2 for a few days now due to how long each fight takes. Thoughts on this chapter ladies and gents?
The attack reduction wasn't nearly as difficult as some of the buffed paths. 5.3.5 and 5.3.6 each have Spiked Armor paths with Abomination. Only a few specific champs will get past that without several revives.
Wasn’t the correct class
You guys are right, it’s just really frustrating knowing you’re doing half fhe damage hahah.. Now to face my bane of MCOC, Hyperion and BPCW soon
it's very easy after the first fight (black panther civil krap)