Vision AOU Speical No Damage
Vision AOU is not dealing damage on specials. All you can see is the power burn damage. There used to be 2 displayed damages when you use his special, a white font for the special damage and a red font for the power burn damage. This is very evident when playing against Power Shield node.
Below are screen shots from the Deadpool monthly quest last time. Deadpool is on Power Shield node.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S5
OS : Android 5.0
Network: Wifi
Game Version: 854916
Game Mode: All
Champion: Vision AOU
Boost: None
Description: Above
Screenshots: Above
Below are screen shots from the Deadpool monthly quest last time. Deadpool is on Power Shield node.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S5
OS : Android 5.0
Network: Wifi
Game Version: 854916
Game Mode: All
Champion: Vision AOU
Boost: None
Description: Above
Screenshots: Above
his damage only comes from the power burn.
thats why everyone can always 100% of the time perfect block his special.
Vision's first and second specials do zero physical damage, but a decent power burn damage. You'll therefore only see a red callout damage after these attacks.
The SP3 is different - this attack does deal Physical and Power Burn damage*; so on an SP3, you will see a white Damage and a red damage called out. This may have led to confusion.
*Unless he's original Vision, whose Power Burn on SP3 doesn't work, so he only deals Physical damage. But it's only been bugged for a couple of years now, so expect a fix any day now...
Vision therefore isn't a great choice for Power Shield nodes, as the Power Burn damage doesn't get enhanced, and only his SP3 gets a damage boost.
Thank you for the clarifications. About the last part, it used to be multiplied on power shield nodes, I guess it is fixed now. Anyway, thank for all those who answered.