Should KABAM change Punisher - Winter Soldier / Hulk - Abomination 3rd special attack?

schizo24schizo24 Member Posts: 2
edited July 2017 in General Discussion
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Should KABAM change Punisher - Winter Soldier / Hulk - Abomination 3rd special attack? 28 votes

Yes, they should.
CrusherOfDreamsNo_More_HeroesBigPoppaCBONEWhododo872Cukcukvg2782adqqedfyvrPeerlessquando213ChopinAsLexKojomaotoRavenrob_33GQuantaoGarySidCovenanter77LuxrayTamerAlCrosshaw59 17 votes
No, leave it as it is.
JamezBongGrinderAxeCopFireSpeedbumpsolivagant56TheMageHunterSungjMISTER_NELSONAamirsymIsman1998Adub80 11 votes


  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Yes, they should.
    They changed their other SP moves, and SP3 moves are supposed to show the true power of each champ. If anything, the other SP moves should've stayed the same and the SP3 moves should've been changed. In all honesty, there should be no SP move that's used by multiple champs, with the exception of Adaptoids and Symbioids and any other generic quest enemy.
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    Yes, they should.
    One of their designers already said in a blog/interview that they were looking to try get rid of the copycat animations and avoid simple reskins. Maybe it's already in the works, not sure but yes, need differentiation.
  • Riddick18030Riddick18030 Member Posts: 32
    And yet Vulture's S1 and S2 are so similar to Angel...
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    No, leave it as it is.
    With all the more significant problems in game I think special animations should take a backseat for the time being
  • KojomaotoKojomaoto Member Posts: 25
    Yes, they should.
    i think they should make hulk l3 like when he smashes loki in this
  • GQuantaoGQuantao Member Posts: 208
    Yes, they should.
    "i think they should make hulk l3 like when he smashes loki in avengers"

    Haha, "Puny Summoner" :D
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    No, leave it as it is.
    And yet Vulture's S1 and S2 are so similar to Angel...

    Yeah when Archangel launches his wings off his body in his S1 and uses his jet-fans to blast you in his S2 I was like "what a rip off of Vulture!"

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    AxeCopFire wrote: »
    And yet Vulture's S1 and S2 are so similar to Angel...

    Yeah when Archangel launches his wings off his body in his S1 and uses his jet-fans to blast you in his S2 I was like "what a rip off of Vulture!"


    Nah I get what he means, they are kind of similar. Like slightly. The first special is the same hit and then a different kind of projectile and then the second has the same sort of style of swinging around and hitting the opponent except vulture has an extra hit with his Jets.

    They aren't the same, and they are different enough to be unique but they are similar.
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    I want this kind of sp3 ai for hulk
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