Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Help us rebuild.

We need two good players. Formerly 12 mil, gold 2 top 100. We went from pushing toward gold 1 to under 10 million and steadily shrinking. Multiple members got recruited to a larger alliance and left without notice. Our core remains. The old hands that have been together for almost 3 years. We are the backbone of this alliance. We need two more like minded people who want to play in an all adult, highly motivated alliance that focuses on organization, communication and growth. Donations are much lower than other alliances comparible in size. Assigned groups for war and quests.

Find me on Line or in game - WeezerKDI


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    DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Posts: 74
    What is the donation? How many points you put up in AQ per week? What map do you run?
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    WeezerKDI1WeezerKDI1 Posts: 228
    Added you in game.
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    WeezerKDI1WeezerKDI1 Posts: 228
    30k Gold 5k chips and 2k loyalty
    We run maps 5,4 and 2 on the final day. The map 2s let you stockpile revives and health for next season.
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    WeezerKDI1WeezerKDI1 Posts: 228
    Bump this up so if anybody wants to come after SA payout, we can get it in the works.
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