Arena scoring

ScyllaScylla Member Posts: 10
Competition has been effectively removed from arenas by having arena boosts, and all the other boosts that can be applied when fighting in arena, also the ability to buy a different set of opponents with units.Players are now buying their scores, how can someone possibly beat the 1% guys who spend thousands of units to get 60 million in the 5 star arena ! Why are you catering to them? They already buy all their champions ie: Cowhale ,who spent $12000 dollars buying Emma frost and unlocking her to full ability in 20 minutes time on the first day of her release! The most units I’ve ever had at one time is 1600, and that was buying way more than I usually do! The game is a grind at the best of times unless your a millionaire and even then they aren’t “ playing the game” ,they just buy the best of everything at all times,get every rank up deal,buy every deal possible to get as high level of champs at all times and the rest of us “ the actual players “have to grind and play EVERY aspect of the game for a month to get one 5 star( takes another 3 months to get him upgraded to actual usefulness and those guys buy 12 in a month!meanwhile my level 60 is in the same award bracket as those guys,the most I’ve ever spent ( or afford) is 50 units trying to keep my multiplier, an alliance member and I once played the same arena,I had 1.7 million more than he did and we ended up in the same award bracket!! How?!? When that happened I lost all will to even try anymore and I had 3.6 million the best score I had ever had( I played my heart out the whole time,gave it everything I had only to have my team mate get the same award as I did!! That’s so wrong! My suggestion: give those guys their own bracket, make 10 different brackets instead of the 3 you have now, when you hit five million you scoot up a bracket,then ten mill,15mill and so forth,otherwise it’s not even a contest! Babe Ruth didn’t hit home runs because he had money or was getting paid,he hit homers because he could , with SKILL and ABILITY! The arena doesn’t reward skill and ability like it should, it rewards the size of your wallet!


  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    I think you fail to realize that "The Contest" is a business.
    To make money you need to have competition.
    You cannot have competition if you make 10 brackets and everyone wins easy what they want.
    You also cannot have a profit if you don't place the sharks in the same tank with the little fish.
    Are you aware that in some games there are "phantom" players that have unlimited resources to basically push everyone to invest money in order to keep up the pace?
    This is what a big spender does: he indirectly forces others to spend.
    So if Kabam makes everyone win heroes and prizes without spending money Kabam will make everyone happy except its own wallet. :)
  • ScyllaScylla Member Posts: 10
    To use your analogy ...The biggest problem with that kind of thinking is that eventually even the big sharks get bored and leave because all the little fish quit coming around at all,why bother if you are just going to get eaten! Footage of sharks show that there will be 20 medium ones swimming around but watch how quickly they all disappear when that giant one pops in!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,857 ★★★★★
    Boosts and Recharges play somewhat of a factor, but it all starts with the Rosters. As they grow, so will the Points people put up. The Arena is designed as such that the Rewards people get help build that Roster for future Arenas. It's cumulative. It just takes time and consistent effort.
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