Looking to Merge into another ally (we are all War focused Veterans)

I am the current leader of a Gold 1, 2.1k war rating, 18M ally rating, semi-retired ally. I am no longer able to dedicate my time to manage the ally and have decided to step down. Everyone else in the ally also cannot commit to being leader, thus I will be disbanding my ally on Thursday after AQ and SA rewards.

The 15-18 of us will be looking to join another ally. We are looking for an easy going high prestige ally (as we are). Ideally we are looking to join an ally that will run AQ 533, 543, 433, 333, etc. and is competitive in war 1700-2400 war rating (gold 1). I have chosen the best of the players in my current ally to follow. We are all capable of holding our own paths in AW, have a strong AW def team, and have a total of ~10.5M rating between 15 players.

If your ally can take all of us, please add me on line @ phamtasticmike. Alternatively, if you are an experienced leader and would like to take over our ally, please also add me. Thanks.


  • ChineseChampion868ChineseChampion868 Member Posts: 113
    Are u guys really set on staying together cause we are gold 1 looking for like 10. If interested add me on line chinesechampion2
  • FlukismFlukism Member Posts: 7
    Yes 15-18 of us. All or nothing. Sorry bro
  • FlukismFlukism Member Posts: 7
  • TopCat87TopCat87 Member Posts: 61
    hey, do u think its most likely 15 people? or all 18? as we have suffered recently with kicking inactive people from our alliance, so we do have a large number of spaces. would u need / want to be officers?
  • IJsmutsIJsmuts Member Posts: 113
    We are also G1 and 5x5 and can hold 10 max
  • TopCat87TopCat87 Member Posts: 61
    are you still looking for a merge? or have u found one?
  • RayTRayT Member Posts: 77
    I’ve got an offer for you, might be pretty intriguing for you. Message me on LINE

    ID: rayt92
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