I haven't used him any but he's poison immune has life steal power steal nice DOT high bleed resistance and nice health pool so honestly can't go wrong with him
Omega, especially if you can get him to a high sig (he might be already) and even more so if you have Sabertooth. Corvus if you're main goal with the rank up is AW attack and not concerned with using this particular champ for late game questing. Voodoo if you need power control/a nullifier
As someone with all the champs pictured, though mostly as 4* those would be the only 3 under consideration imo
I like Omega Red, Corvus is the popular choice but tons of potential in Symbiote Supreme. I'll probably do Omega Red
Corvus all the way for Offense. If you are looking for Defense, Wasp is the way to go. She'll get you some kills.
LoL no Wasp is a very easy defender 😂 u honestly just bait heavies and specials and she gets destroyed I wouldn't rank her for defense... Offense maybe but not defense
I second that
I third it.
On top of that, as soon as they finish nerfing blade into oblivion they will be headed for corvus next. 😏
I like Omega Red, Corvus is the popular choice but tons of potential in Symbiote Supreme. I'll probably do Omega Red
LoL no Wasp is a very easy defender 😂 u honestly just bait heavies and specials and she gets destroyed I wouldn't rank her for defense... Offense maybe but not defense