Players needed

Currently doing 55555 2 groups map 3 3rd group. Looking to make it all 3 55555. Yet open to one group of 33333 if they will contribute to the other 2 groups running 55555 by donating back rewards.

This alliance has been around for a while and most of the players here have been here for over a year. Come be a part a great group.

If Interested contact Latinsiseneg or sleepy_n_sa



  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
  • Slapping_MonkeySlapping_Monkey Member Posts: 14
    Sleepy and Latin are both cool people. They work with the players in their alliance and I have personally seen them help players grow. If your looking for an alliance that understands that we all have a life , you might consider joining them.
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Still looking for a few players
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Guys and Gals we are still looking. Jokers has been around for a while and would hate to see them die away. Still have a solid 20 players and 3-4 who are good, might need some work but can hang. Looking to finish filling in the gap
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Still looking for a few players
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    Yea still looking
  • latinsiseneglatinsiseneg Member Posts: 158
    We are still looking for players
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