Luke cage attack rating
Does debuff from resonate mastery count towards attack rating Increase for Luke cage?
Attack rating increases for each debuff or each seperate type of debuff?
If he has 5 exhaustion stacks, 5x attack bonus rating is gained? Or if he has weakness from resonate ( if that counts ) and exhaustion..he gain 2x attack bonus ( 2 different type of debuffs)
Please clarify
Attack rating increases for each debuff or each seperate type of debuff?
If he has 5 exhaustion stacks, 5x attack bonus rating is gained? Or if he has weakness from resonate ( if that counts ) and exhaustion..he gain 2x attack bonus ( 2 different type of debuffs)
Please clarify
If opponent went suicide and have bleed and poison, that counts as 2x attack bonus
If 2 exhaust, 1 stun, 1 weakness, that counts as 4x attack bonus
The only debuff that does not count is kingpin’s rage
It probably doesn't include passives like rage