Banned for what?

hi!Day before i opened to play this game and seen that i'm banned forever!(before i dont played game 3-2 days.) i play on 2 diffirent devices. 1 is my own 2 is my groupmate's i got banned for changing my playing device? seriosely? im playing game since 13 dec 2015! are you kidding me?
i never used any modificated or 3 party sofrware. i dont need them. i played as a normal person. i'w got banned randomly. and this is getting me sad. played 2 years since starting of this project. dont slept because of wars and 4 act. tryed to get more good champions... so thank you very much kabam!
gut. go away then) dont mess with stupid ones
Did you just call yourself stupid?
gut. go away then) dont mess with stupid ones
nope. im just kidding.