5* Awakening gem

Hi, recently got generic 5* awakening gem and not sure who to use it on...These are my current top champs at bottom and above that my choices for using gem on. Leaning towards Kilmonger, could get him to R4 once I get the gold. Iceman is another option but quite like idea of getting a decent skill champ ranked up. Also have about 110 sig stones to use. Any help appreciated!

I'm impatient, don't see void happening any time soon!
Great team up- Espically with MD.
A.) Awesome Synergy- extra Souls!
B.) Both have immunities and D.O.T.
C.) (AWAKEND) MS gains abilities that weaken opponents Power Gain, Fury, and Regen buffs by roughly 30-40% - MS gains her own buff if one is activated. These buffs can stack in some cases (I.e. Power gain from opponent and landing a heavy atk for her own power gain)
Awakened with 3 souls her sp2 is unblockable. She can utterly anninilate any opponent with more than 2-3 buffs, Lifesteal half her health back at the same time, and if they’re lucky enough not to have died, she will likely still have 2 bars of power for negating the buffs (MD 5/5) And she proceeds to eat the soul of any opponent, storing them in her trippy glowing Mornigstar. Love love love.
Lifesteal and Regen.
Add your Guilly for extra gewd time.