Hela is better than I thought

I have had my 4* hela at R3 ever since she got added to the PHC but never used her outside of arena, but after facing a death squadron in arena, I stacked up 5 furies against archangel and she KILLED it. Seriously considering taking this underrated goddess to R4
Easily maintain 3-4 fury buffs without running out of charges. Build more for shorter fights. Put her on a team with Angela and Heimdall and you will save yourself a literal TON of revives.
Then, you need to build up her fury stacks. Two ways to do that: Spam her SP1 or press & hold heavy charge (like Quake or Mordo). She doesn't have any protections while charging like Quake does, so I typically don't do it unless it's a very short fight like arenas.
Each fury stack will burn her charges one at a time, so running 5 furies will burn 5 per tick. Once you run out of charges, the fury stacks will peel off one at a time until they're all gone or you gain more charges.
Using a typical fight technique of 5-hit combos and needing to bait/evade opponent specials, you can easily sustain 3-4 furies depending on how aggressive you play.
For extra-long fights (like RoL Winter Soldier), just keep and maintain 3-4. Maybe jump up to 5 or 6 near the end.
For shorter fights you can get away with as many fury stacks as you can get since the fight will be over before you run out of charges.
Mine is 5* 3/45
She is not the best champ out there but she is so far away of being a bad champ, I'm beating the **** out of every fight on this UC quest with her, so easy and smooth, no need to pass the 2 fries to get the job done, plus with hulk Ragnarok synergy she starts the fight with one fury which makes her really badass.
Great champ for those who like to play very aggressive
When you charge the heavy, make sure you have at least 1 bar of power, then launch the special when the opponent dashes in, if your timing is good, just release the heavy
My 4/55 Hela has a base attack of 1800, compared to Blade who is 1990. Her fury is a +885, so with 4 fury stacks she his hitting at over 5300.
Amazing raw power. She does have 2 weaknesses though. She is harder to ramp up on Buffet nodes, and she doesn't have any real solid utility (immunity, power control, regen, etc).
actually, that is not true...yes she gains 1 fury with Sp1, but she also gains fury's if you charge a heavy...charge for a few seconds and you have 3-5 fury's.
Build up to an SP1
Charge your heavy
Wait for opponent to charge at you and interrupt with your SP1
Play aggressive to keep the furies (you don't NEED to build any souls),
Repeat this until you get around 15 furies,
Use and sp2 and win the game