A little help for a novice (4* territory)


So I've been playing for a couple months now. About 6k/10k to my first 5 star and I'm past the point where I get a new 4* and dump into them immediately and need some advice on where to proceed, especially on my Cosmic heroes, which 5 of my 14 are(alas my 1 Mystic is Iron Fist)

Who do I prioritize?
My thinking is Angela>Venom>carnage(love him duped at 3* but seems less worth it without the sig)>captain marvel>black bolt.

Captain was my first cosmic and I know she's not terrible so I put some iso into her but it seem like Angela or venom would be better to try further on.

Domino over Mags all day

Got YJacket first but I've heard great thing about CAWW2 so started in on him plus the synergy with my WS

Kingpin was my first 4 star so naturally jumped him up but Winter duped has served me quite well. Will likely take him to rank 5 but his ability doesn't seem worth sinking sig stones into since it only changes the amount of power drain not the frequency.


  • KallonKallon Member Posts: 3
    Oh I forgot She Hulk but my understanding is she only really becomes viable when awakened.
  • doom722doom722 Member Posts: 99
    Domino, Angela, Venom, Carnage, CapWII, BB in that order.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,345 ★★★★★
    edited December 2018
    WS is underrated. Pair him with a 3* KM for even more damage.
    Angela, venom and Nebula will serve you well in a questing team.

    All of the above are worth R4. Not sure about unduped Domino, don't have one.

    That will get you pretty deep into ACT4, I'm not sure I would R5 any of them because class cats are hard to get for most people and I'd rather wait until your roster deepens before deciding to max any of them out.
  • KallonKallon Member Posts: 3
    Thanks guys. Dom def doesn't need to be duped to be effective. My 3* served me well through act 3 before even awakening.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Kallon wrote: »
    Oh I forgot She Hulk but my understanding is she only really becomes viable when awakened.

    Ahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha. Sorry, sorry, you got a bad tip there, don’t touch her, even awakened
  • scxoxoscxoxo Member Posts: 109
    as someone who’s also a novice and near your level, i say def domino (only have her as 3* but shes great) and any of the cosmics (personally i would go venom then angela) would be great.. nebula is good for immunities (she’s saved me so much in the past) and even better if you have a proxima.

    half of your roster looks pretty similar to mine lol and most of them i havent touched
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    Domino, Angela, and Venom. Then see if any of your others have a synergy with the main 3.
  • jkcjmijijkcjmiji Member Posts: 283
    Domino>Venom>Carnage>Captain Marvel>Angela. Prioritize in that order.
  • SSofLimboSSofLimbo Member Posts: 148
    Venom is better than Angela
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