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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

First 5-star champ - where to use him

I've slowly amassed some good four star attackers (SW, Dv, CAWW2 and Gwenpool duped, and unduped versions of tech Spider-Man, X-23 and Hyperion). For defenders I hVe a four star duped SM MM, Abomination and Mordo (unduped)

After nearly 2 months I open a 10k shard 5 star crystal and pull Hulk, my first 5 star. (Green Hulk). Is this a decent pull for a random crystal? In any case, how do I use him/level him? He isn't as good as the heroes I mentioned earlier, but he is 5 star....


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    JaffacakedJaffacaked Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Great pull he is a beast, level him as far as you can go.
    He is great for AQ, AW an all quests
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    DoctorofEvilDoctorofEvil Posts: 217
    Thanks for the advice jaff -I hVe neither a 3 or 4 star version of him. Is he still strong unduped?
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    Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Lucky. I have a science gem waiting for him and I haven't gotten him with my last 5 tries
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    JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Posts: 536 ★★
    He is very good
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    Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    I'd rank him up and use him over SW personally.
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    I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Posts: 646 ★★
    Short answer, I wish him since he was a turd before his buff.

    I hope pull him 4* or 5*, wishing it since day 1.
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    The_OneThe_One Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    My 4* is in my aq team, he smashes through the likes of Hood, Voodoo and the mystic sims and he's a power house against Dormammu.
    I used him against crossbones, Gwenpool and a skill SIM in the final section of aq today because I foolishly lost my wolverine to AV.
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    GruftyGrufty Posts: 186
    I have a 4* at 5/50 and a 5* at 3/45 both duped, definitely a good champion and I bring the 5* to AQ.
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