Does Aegon wreck LOL?
I have a 5* skill gem with his name on it, and I’ve seen some amazing gameplay of him just wrecking everyone in LOL once ramped up. Would he be the best choice for an initial run? I also have sparky at 4/55 right now. I feel that Aegon would be the most cost effective though.
I cleared 4 paths with just him
Aegon > starlord, however, as he brings combo shield to the table (meaning you can get hit and not lose all your stacks), and persistent charges carried through fights ... not to mention all his other funky abilities at higher combos ..
Also, he carries on certain percentage of the combo to the next fight so even if you mess up, you won't be hitting like a wet noodle.
I mentioned that
but yeah, he's just a buffed up starlord in a way ...
My 4/55 base is 2091. That's without suicides
Base attack would mean without masteries anyways.
You're right just meant his attack rating. If the enrage timer doesn't take masteries into account, 4/55 isn't gonna cut it without some synergies
Ah I see what you were saying, what his is base attack at 4/55?
Meant u stil hav to hav a good figth with him.
As a note on synergies, while you can use attack gain synergies, I believe the maximum you could get is 24%. On the other hand, you can do Hela/Angela/Heimdall/Proxima, which gives 18% fury, 2 revives per fight, a onetime combo shield, and boosts fury potencies.
That is the team I'm using with my r5 Aegon.
Aegon is suicide friendly too, can easily take guilly, abom, electro, Spidey, BW, Doc Strange, x23 and magik fights. Basically, if you have him as R5, you don't need to worry about ANYTHING for LoL..
Starlord has tons to worry about LoL and maintaining combo isn't easy for everyone