Signature Abilities

WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 616 ★★
I have two Juggs one 4* and other 5*!! The 4* is duped & sig 99 and I just duped my 5* sig 20 is there a difference in having max sig on champs? Should I focus on the 5* or go ahead and rank 4* 5 of 5?


  • BadaxxBadaxx Member Posts: 30
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,203 ★★★
    The level of the sig ability depends on the champ. Some champs really need their sig ability at a high level to get max benefit. Others, as long as they are awakened the sig ability then really helps. With Juggs, the level of the sig ability is not as important as it is for characters like Scarlet Witch, so I would suggest focusing on the 5*.
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