Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

4800 prestige looking for an alliance

Hi everybody,
I'm looking for an alliance doing 5x5 and is more focused on AQ than AW.
Preferably line as communication tool. I'm a french canadian so north american alliance would be great.

I have 2 5* r4 (magik duped and SL unduped) and 9 4* r5.
Hit me up in game if interested: aghi95

Thanks !


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    Read our link. Add me if interested
    We are Canadian too :)
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    I spot comingnopen before next aq line I'd steverogers329
    5x5 aq
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    Papo1972Papo1972 Posts: 15
    We are USA and Australia, we are currently doing map5x5 and we are more AQ than war check us out GBR2 , we are together with GBR, GBR3, GBR4, GBRx and NBK

    Line ID is Papo1972
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    agh95 wrote: »
    Hi everybody,
    I'm looking for an alliance doing 5x5 and is more focused on AQ than AW.
    Preferably line as communication tool. I'm a french canadian so north american alliance would be great.

    I have 2 5* r4 (magik duped and SL unduped) and 9 4* r5.
    Hit me up in game if interested: aghi95

    Thanks !

    We at IXF (Inhuman X-Force) are looking for members with AQ Map5x5 experience.. Check us out and let me know if you're interested. I've sent you an in-game friend request as well.

    IGN - ScarredPool
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    Bambam7700Bambam7700 Posts: 38
    Did you find a ally
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    VenomousintentVenomousintent Posts: 128
    Message me on line sicmetal43 d1q4h8ulb4a7.jpg
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    Mangas50Mangas50 Posts: 73
    Hey i am from HesIn we have 3 guys from canada. We run map5 5x. we get 70-80m in AQ so we are always in expert tier. If you are interested take a look we would love to have you.


    Alliance Tag HesIn
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    Primmer79Primmer79 Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Just added you. North American Alliance, No items required for war, focus on map 5 aq.
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    Agh95 friend me in game jayden0803
    Or add me on line jayden080310
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    Lo4eathLo4eath Posts: 309
    Still looking ? We are doing 5x5, aw 1-2, no item spending in AW, hit me up on Line: Lo4eath
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    agh95agh95 Posts: 2
    Hey guys thanks for all the replies but I found what I was looking for.
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