Parry and Dexterity is real helpful, learn his moves to be able to counter him. If you need more detail or visual aid YouTube is really good for that. Even old videos will help you learn his moves and attacks.
A regen and bleed charater(x23 or wolverine) can help. They really shorten the length of the fight, plus once you get his simple attack pattern down, it's pretty easy
I used a Max 3* UC. Also didn't have Parry or Dex at the time. That was a long time ago. Lol. Just keep chipping away at him and Grind the Arena for Battlechips for Units if you need Revives. You'll get him eventually. Ranking helps as well. Good luck.
Simply you need higher lvl champ. Thanos seems tough. But with a good mystic champ its not that tough. And you need to be patience about him. Hurry to attack will cost you.
Seatin has tons of videos against Thanos. He tests new 3* against him. Dexterity is very helpful against him. Learn to evade his lvl1. If you can't get him right now wait and rank up your champs.
Here is all you need to know. When he charges you jump back and then punch and go into a combo. If you jump back (swipe back) and then try to jump forward to punch he will catch you. He's so big though that you don't need to jump forward to hit him. Just jump backwards, then punch.
Also. If you want to get off an L1 or 2 then do it once he's rush charging. Otherwise he'll block it.
Thats a long long time ago.. i had used 3* duped ronan and his chain stun to get him out.. I had tried twice before with different champs but then did a bit of research online and that helped.:)
Also. If you want to get off an L1 or 2 then do it once he's rush charging. Otherwise he'll block it.
You won't last long in Act 4. Maestro necessitates having dexterity. Cause if you cannot evade his s1 or s2 it applies degen.