Looking for a retired alliance

Hey guys I’m looking for a retired alliance that runs simple AQs but focuses on war. I’m looking to finish exploring LoL and variant. Need a break from the constant logins. If your at the same level please let me know as I’d be available as soon as rewards are out.


  • Benwolf1999Benwolf1999 Member Posts: 14
    Hello we r a semi retired Alliance and we would gladly welcome u. My line id is fivearms 123. Add me if interested
  • Robman323Robman323 Member Posts: 35

  • Robman323Robman323 Member Posts: 35
    We are a retired alliance, run aq map2,2,3 and 2bg wars. My in game name is ROBMAN323 add me if you want in
  • DeviantDeviant Member Posts: 106
    new alliance part of a large group of alliances is looking for new members to fill it up. Looking for young members looking to improve and older members looking to slow down but still move forward. members must be active and communicate . Must use line app . Line Id is deviant_x. In game DEVIANT~SS.
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