Dorms degen

ravens52ravens52 Member Posts: 49
So just wondering is degen not considered a DOT ? Or why is it that ghost can’t turn that into fury. In her description it just says dots turn to fury when phasing.


  • hiddenblizzardhiddenblizzard Member Posts: 506 ★★
    It only says dot *debuffs* not passives......dorm degen is passive
  • Yellow8FellowYellow8Fellow Member Posts: 186 ★★
    Yeah, for some reason Degeneration is just that one Debuff no one is immune to. It's like a passive effect, but a debuff.
  • ravens52ravens52 Member Posts: 49
    Ok thanks . I didn’t know it was passive .
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    You can still avoid some degen damage using ghost though. Needs the hood synergy
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