AQ focused 3.2M alliance

Really nice and friendly alliance. Our motto is "Life comes first." So we do not ask you to contribute more than you can. We focus mostly on AQ. We play map 2/4 or sometimes 2/3. Communication matters the most. Especially during AQ and AW. Therefore we use the app Line to communicate. We behave with respect to our team members.


  • ggFyreggFyre Member Posts: 12
    Hi Feafie. Assuming you are in Mjolnirs Revenge?.

    We are also a Silver 3. Need up to 10 players, maybe more for a merge if your alliance would be interested?. Currently have 26 but plenty of deadwood and lots that don't want to partake in AW or AQ. We have been drifting because of it.

    Let me know if that is something that interests you. IGN:ggFyre1 and ally is Deadpool's Army.
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