Looking for ally

Looking for a gold 1 alliance and at least 5x5 AQ
LineID: iamnike73


  • IamnikeIamnike Member Posts: 273 ★★
  • BigFnMike93BigFnMike93 Member Posts: 53
    Trying to fill our ally up after a merge gone wrong but we’re gold 1 and run map 5 if you’re interested BigFnMike93 is my line ID only at about 20 members right now so would take a group if you have friends trying g to get filled up before the season starts
  • DeviantDeviant Member Posts: 106
    new alliance part of a large group of alliances is looking for new members to fill it up. Looking for young members looking to improve and older members looking to slow down but still move forward. members must be active and communicate . Must use line app . Line Id is deviant_x. In game DEVIANT~SS.
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    edited February 2019
    Bigslim, hit me up. BuckeyeKP ign and on LINE. G1, 5x5, have a family of 20 allies if we're not the right fit.
    Mostly US and canada but a few all over the world. Nice icy boi, tempted to r5 mine, it's between him and Void
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