Dungeon Matchmaking issue

wahlserbwahlserb Member Posts: 33
edited March 2019 in General Discussion
Sorry, but this needs to be addressed. There’s got to be some kind of improvement in dungeon matchmaking. It gets really frustrating getting matched with trash players in every room. Literally, 1 out of every 20 people can’t make it passed the 1st room even though they have a more than formidable team. It’s super sad and frustrating having to see my dungeon mates get absolutely thrashed by enemies that are extremely easy to defeat considering team P.I. Worse is when they’re too stupid to communicate via chat (which happens waaayy to often) and you’re stuck chatting with a mirror, thus, losing the dungeon due to easily avoidable reasons. I also find myself being matched with people who don’t even speak the same language (quite often). Not trying to sound egoistic or douchey, but running dungeons has made me realize that an extremely large portion of the MCOC community lacks even the slightest skill.

Point is, can we improve the code in The matchmaking process? Maybe jot down a player’s overall gameplay performance (track evades, parry’s, intercepts, etc) and create a more equal matchmaking experience? I may be way in over my head, but im thinking there’s gotta be a way to make this process a little more efficient. I don’t know, just throwing my 2 cents.

At least fix the language barrier issue.



  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    The chat automatically translates if you use the given phrases(e.g take down node 1, next room?).

    But i agree though, random matchmaking needs to be fixed. I would change the rating for each dungeon and make sure 4*s can't be brought into(at least) d7, and maybe show us our partners before going into the dungeon, and a reject function
  • Tforce216Tforce216 Member Posts: 6
    Luck of the draw... I get it.. just like premium crystals, ur chance of getting a 4* our slim, so is the chance of getting a decent player. I can live with this... The language not translating is not good.
    Surely a language translator can be programmed into the game.
    Getting a good team put together, just to have it make 1 or 2 runs because there's a language barrier... SUCKS
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