Tell me your story. How and When did you start playing this game?

bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
edited March 2019 in General Discussion
My story started back in 25 March 2015 or March 25th for you Americans.

I was in my 1st year of university and just finished watching The Amazing Spiderman 2.

I remember vividly how it happened.
I was just laying down on the sofa in the living room, alone. Suddenly a thought came into my mind to download some games in my phone just in case I got bored in life (yeah I know).
Marvel game was the first thing I searched's Marvel. They should have a fun mobile game.
Marvel Contest of Champions caught my eyes immediately. Catchy title. I just love a contest. Most importantly again, it's Marvel. What could be wrong right?

Okay, download completed. Cool. It was morning at the time and I played the game so much not to realize it was almost dark outside. That's when I found my new favourite and addictive game hahaha.
Still playing it.
The game is still fun and addictive at times but please don't play it too much to the point you neglect life responsibilities. Been there done that ;)

Might not be that interesting of a story but hey still a good story IMO.
So yeah.
What's your story?


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Mine was quite funny. Once a Gamer, always a Gamer.
    Back in November of 2015, I thought I needed a break from so much Gaming. I used to spend hours and hours playing Diablo 3. I decided to get rid of my PC and pick up a Tablet. Well, I just happened to see the game come up in Suggested Apps and thought, "I love Marvel! I should give it a try. Could be fun.". Literally just switched to MCOC instead of Diablo. LOL! I've gone through I don't know how many devices since. I'm back on Diablo 3 now, but still very much here.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    My friend's friend showed me the game, and I was like "meh, whatever" and deleted it after few hours. Couple months later I felt ill, got nothing to do and installed it again. Damn that day.
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  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    I started playing last Easter (beg. April 2018) when I had some free time to kill, so I asked my 8-year old boys to recommend me a nice game to play. They were playing MCOC at the moment (since then they deleted and downloaded again and re-deleted it a couple of times). I played for a few days, enjoyed it, but did not get hooked to it. I actually think I forgot about it for some time and returned to it mid-Summer. Since then I got seriously hooked and have been playing every single day, a couple of hrs during weekdays and more during the weekends. I have been seriously loving it.
  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248

    Mine was quite funny. Once a Gamer, always a Gamer.
    Back in November of 2015, I thought I needed a break from so much Gaming. I used to spend hours and hours playing Diablo 3. I decided to get rid of my PC and pick up a Tablet. Well, I just happened to see the game come up in Suggested Apps and thought, "I love Marvel! I should give it a try. Could be fun.". Literally just switched to MCOC instead of Diablo. LOL! I've gone through I don't know how many devices since. I'm back on Diablo 3 now, but still very much here.

    Love diablo but here is my story aswell.
    I played diablo 3 aswell Same as @GroundedWisdom and wife got pregnant so i had to quit diablo 3. as a marathon waitingtime at hospital i decide to read Facebook (which i normal never are on) i saw the game and just wanted to kill some waiting time.. and bang almost 4 years later still playing this game.. lol

    Altho im happy to say im a f2p (besides 1 dollar) and almost clear everything in the game. So its possible but takes time ur roaster aint the biggest but tjat said only missing Variant and Explore LOL 100% is those are still on hold so far till my roaster get bigger
  • Fugitive21Fugitive21 Member Posts: 221
    I was playing that other Marvel Card game that was out. I got a email about MCOC was coming out and got it 5 days after it came out.

    Played it for a year and took a break for a few months. I came back and left for a few months again until alliances and more to do ingame was brought in. We in a hardcore group and left again because spending requirements got insane for AW, AQ and arenas.

    Came back to moderate play nothing hardcore.
  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    In 2015 I saw an ad for MCOC, and I though “ I like Marvel!” I downloaded the game and I was playing for a good 2 years, but then took a break for about a year and a half. Now I’m back playing on a new account. I couldn’t stay away for too long. :)
  • SpookyKonan2SpookyKonan2 Member Posts: 90
    it was back when YellowJacket and Ant-Man were first introduced into the game I am/was a major marvel fan and decided to play the game because of my love for the marvel franchise.
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    I started back when it first came out. I was basically a babysitter to my friend's 7 year old. We always played in kid alliances together for about 2 years. When he quit I stayed with the game and now I get to play with the big kids. Lol
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★

    Deadpool kinda reignited my love of comics. Saw an ad for this game. Hasn't played a game in years. Thought it would be fun for the son and I. At the same time I was dealing with the onset of my rheumatoid arthritis. I found that by playing the game it lessened the stiffness in my hands. So I went all in and became a full on addict, and although the rest of my body pains me, the hands seem to be doing alright

    RA is sucks! I'm sorry to hear that. But on the positive side, glad that the game somehow acts like a pain reliever to your hands.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    It's really nice to read all of these stories. I hope more stories will be shared here soon. To those that responded to this thread, I wanna say thank you. It really made my day and will always be. :smile:
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    I started playing somewhere around end of Jan'15.... It has become a part of my life now... I could spend couple of days without opening work laptop ., Can't say the same like spending a day not opening game...

    Hail Spidey 😉
  • Reverend_RuckusReverend_Ruckus Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    It was Freshman year of high school in 2015. I was an ad for the game. I tried it out and liked the gameplay style. The next week in my Spanish class I saw two other guys playing it. And that's where a friendship started. We started watching all the marvel movies that came out overtime. We're seniors now, but the 2 others stopped playing, leaving only me. We still watch movies together.
  • SlappapowSlappapow Member Posts: 130
    Near then end of my Freshman year of high school, I started May 2nd 2015, the day after I saw Age of Ultron with my friends where our friendship revolved around all things geek and nerdy. We all came from different backrounds; football, soccer, band, theatre, scholar club, math club, and even chess club. We saw the midnight showing then after we went over to one of there house's to sleep over and stayed up watching the first Avengers and Captain America. The next morning we all got the game and continued for the next few weeks. They all fizzled out playing over the years but I'm still here.
  • ThatOneMasterGamerThatOneMasterGamer Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    Around 2015 I saw this guy named Pungence play MCOC and I liked the game but I didn't have a phone or tablet back then.I started playing around when ST was in the arenas and was so bad at the game,I didn't imagine I would get this far in MCOC and not only that but my first 5* was ST.
  • Prof_SpoodermannProf_Spoodermann Member Posts: 28
    I actually played it for a few months in 2015 and then lost my phone... I recently rejoined in a new account last one year ago
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    I started at 2015 and gave it a 1* the second I figured out how to LOL.
    I would now give it a 1* again if I could but for completely different reasons.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    NguyenDau said:

    Mine was quite funny. Once a Gamer, always a Gamer.
    Back in November of 2015, I thought I needed a break from so much Gaming. I used to spend hours and hours playing Diablo 3. I decided to get rid of my PC and pick up a Tablet. Well, I just happened to see the game come up in Suggested Apps and thought, "I love Marvel! I should give it a try. Could be fun.". Literally just switched to MCOC instead of Diablo. LOL! I've gone through I don't know how many devices since. I'm back on Diablo 3 now, but still very much here.

    Love diablo but here is my story aswell.
    I played diablo 3 aswell Same as @GroundedWisdom and wife got pregnant so i had to quit diablo 3. as a marathon waitingtime at hospital i decide to read Facebook (which i normal never are on) i saw the game and just wanted to kill some waiting time.. and bang almost 4 years later still playing this game.. lol

    Altho im happy to say im a f2p (besides 1 dollar) and almost clear everything in the game. So its possible but takes time ur roaster aint the biggest but tjat said only missing Variant and Explore LOL 100% is those are still on hold so far till my roaster get bigger
    I play both, actually. I try to split my time up between this and Diablo 3. I just installed Diablo 2 again, we'll see how long before I get bored with it. It was 20 years between 2 and 3.
    Also, the OG Diablo has been remastered, and is now available on GOG. I'm debating it....LOL.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    As of this day, I’ve been playing for 2 years now! (Though I did create my account 3 years ago, but I played for like a week)
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    My cousins told me and I started playing sadly my cousin quit this game due to the bs
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  • ronmonronmon Member Posts: 11
    Last summer, my 1yo son was sick and having a hard time sleeping in his crib at night. So I was up rocking him back to sleep, trying to stay awake myself. I had just recently seen infinity war so marvel was on the mind, so I too searched for marvel games to see if there was something that could entertain me for the time being. I downloaded this game, assuming it would be a quick and mindless button smasher... had no idea I would be playing it almost a year later running my own alliance lol
  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    I kept seeing the commercials on TV and was getting pretty bored with candy crush…
  • Miss_Bee09Miss_Bee09 Member Posts: 25
    My boyfriend started playing last summer. I've always liked fighting games such as Mortal Kombat and Tekken so I gave it a try. Haven't slowed down since! Playing this game turned me into a marvel movie fanatic lol
  • OrcDovahkiinOrcDovahkiin Member Posts: 323
    Dang all I could remember is started playing when x23 and shehulk were featured and I opened one like they look pretty cool and got x23 lol that was my first account "OrcDovahkin" with one "I" and now it's long gone I raged and sold all my champs for getting guillotine as a 5 star (first) it was at the same time that 12.0 came out and I had already deleted all my champs that I decided to make a new one (OrcDovahkiin) and been playing since taking a few breaks for personal reasons but I truly enjoy this game at it's heart
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