Mysterio Availability 2019

Maxim_86296Maxim_86296 Member Posts: 27
When Mysterio is hopefully released, how rare do you guys think he's going to be? Mysterio is hands down my favorite Spider-Man villain to date, and I would really like to unlock him when he is released. So, how many shards of what type will I need? Is he going to be sold in the shop? These are questions I would like answers to, and I would really appreciate if someone could give their take on this.


  • brucef8bringerbrucef8bringer Member Posts: 131
    At first, he would be featured in the arena as 3, 4 and 5 star. Along with a crystal that costs 150 units and has a rare chance of popping a 3 or 4 star version. There might be some other offers as well for real money.
  • Maxim_86296Maxim_86296 Member Posts: 27
    Thanks man. I really appreciate your insight.

  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,519 ★★★★
    I'm hoping they offer a 3* version on Marvel Insider, but will have to wait and see.
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