Non-collector Calendar

VedisukeVedisuke Member Posts: 166 ★★
Good Morning.

Could you please tell me what is the improvement in the non-collector calendar after winning the Knight Title?

Visually I have not seen any improvement.

Thank you


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Is the uncollected calendar, and the Cavalier title. You can form a grandmaster crystal in just a week, instead of two like it was until now
  • VedisukeVedisuke Member Posts: 166 ★★

    Is the uncollected calendar, and the Cavalier title. You can form a grandmaster crystal in just a week, instead of two like it was until now

  • SarcasticTaurusSarcasticTaurus Member Posts: 446 ★★★
    Vedisuke said:

    Is the uncollected calendar, and the Cavalier title. You can form a grandmaster crystal in just a week, instead of two like it was until now

    If you beaten it yesterday, as most people did to get the Cav title, just wait until today at 5 pm PST... if it doesn't update then. Then you should raise concern.

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