Crystal Revamp
In recent months we have seen PHC go down in cost, and now the introduction of cavalier crystals which are greater then the uncollected crystals but cost 100 units less. Its time to lower the price of the uncollected feature crystals to at least even things out some. My suggestion would be 150-200 units (matching the cavalier at MOST) They have been greatly devalued with the introduction of act 6, just as phc and most others were when uncollected was introduced.
It should not take months - year to make this simple change. If anything as new entitlements are introduced the other elements should lower in price as they become devalued.
It should not take months - year to make this simple change. If anything as new entitlements are introduced the other elements should lower in price as they become devalued.
Don’t buy the features.
Uncollected featureds are fine, for the people that can't buy Cavaliers (well, as fine as they've ever been)
cavalier costs less than FEATURED grandmaster.
big big difference there.
So.. nope. Don’t buy FGMCs then.