Where is the rest of fantastic 4

Kabam I enjoy playing with thing but I really am looking forward to seeing the rest of the Fantastic Four mr. Fantastic Invisible Woman and the Human Torch and also please bring the Silver Surfer I've been playing contest of Champions for 4 years now and I'm truly a hard dedicated fan of the game and I just want to see a lot more going on


  • brucef8bringerbrucef8bringer Member Posts: 131
    We could see a F4 update in April, followed by Endgame content in May
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Their taking a nap right now. They will join the contest as soon as they wake up, which will take many months.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Guess we'll see, won't we? :)
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