Another r5 5* dilemma :)

0ud3is0ud3is Member Posts: 9
For the first time I have everything for a rank 5.
I have the class catalysts only for Magik (duped)
but I can wait for Archangel awakened or Iceman (need all 6 yellow cats), Gwenpool awakened (need inky two) or Corvus (I need 4)...


  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    Imo, go with Magik.
    Archangel at R4 should suffice where he's useful. Where he's not, R5 wouldn't make much of a difference.
  • 0ud3is0ud3is Member Posts: 9
    You’re right. I Things the same. Corvus too has issues. Yes he will have much health at the beginning but he has the same weaknesses (against who punishes crits, mission to accomplish, 20 glaive charges, etc.). Magik is a good overall champion. I’m only afraid because tier five catalysts are very rare
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