Why doesn’t Colossus have an indestructible like Luke Cage or better Armour like iceman?

Colossus is pretty bad ass in the dead pool movie yet he is pretty much a 3rd rate character in game. He is made of metal and bleed and bullet proof like Luke Cage, surely he should be able to take physical attacks at least with minimum damage like iceman or have an indestructible like Luke. Are there any thoughts on giving his character a make over in the near future Kabam?
He wasn't buffed or changed in the last years. Maybe he will had something like that if he gets changed in the future, who knows.
clearly, kabam does not have any intentions on buffing collosus yet, they give nick fury (human with no real powers in comic or movie)
OP mechanics and synergy.
kabam logic.
They drip feed buffed champs in an attempt to keep people quiet whilst raking it in from the whales