Anyone tired of the ever increasing difficulty?

NyaleNyale Member Posts: 136
As this game progressed due to release of powerful attackers Kabam insists in developing horrendous unfun defenders and **** nodes to hinder the people that acquired the good attackers from breezing trough content. But they never stop to think what is the goal of the game. This is a collectible game for Marvel fans , we want our favorite heroes ,want them all to be decent and useable and we want the game to be fun , not a 24h grind in arenas for units to pay for potions or crystals to get heroes that have a chance at beating the content. There should be an endgame content like lol which is outdated but the monthly quests , the story quests or the challenges should be toned down because the game stopped beeing fun like years ago with aw introduction and the ever increasing difficulty . And new players should get a chance at finishing story and monthly events on master and epic and should get to progress faster . Just my 2 cents


  • Zardu_HasseulfraüZardu_Hasseulfraü Member Posts: 61
    Not really. There's now so many options of things to do (or not do!) with varying degrees of difficulty. I can do Uncollected well enough each month but I just couldn't do the Maze, for instance, which is fine. One day I'll be able to do that kind of thing and working towards that is a fun goal. This is not to say there aren't some annoying nodes...

  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    New players can grow faster then ever before. Many have 5*s before act 4.
    The game has to add difficulty otherwise it grows stale.
    Also no one said the game was a collection game. The game is whatever the developers say the game is.

    All champs are useable just some will make content more difficult then others
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Not the difficulty it self but the bugs and laggs and some times lazy game design like reducing 50% attack and passive degen or shock etc that make some content difficult,annoying,uninteresting and mostly not Fun or interactive!!! Act 6.1 i'd say they nailed it ,(not about 4*) but overall difficulty was doable given time and some saving on units ,but variant i'll say it is not that well designed,lots of content that doesnt make sense there,and some fights r unbearablly difficult also ,even common fights aganst IMiw,or Hyperion or some fights in chapter 2 which are 'straight forward' by many standards ,are super difficult as well,1 mess up or missed parry or miss timed block and it costs u revives
  • TheVyrusTheVyrus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    While it is annoying, you can't blame Kabam. The original intention to have a game where you can collect and play with your favorite Marvel characters was out the window a long time ago. This game became such a huge money making engine and players have made it their lifestyle. Kabam has no choice but to continue to fuel the engine and ride the gravy train.
    The best thing you can do is play at the level you are comfortable at and have fun. Remember this is a game, if a quest is beyond your skill, or sanity, level just don't do it.
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    It is becoming very costly to stay competitive in this game. Each new act or Varient quest basically requires tons of revives regardless of what people try to say. No one can do these quests without a ton of revives even if they are skilled. Many fights have unavoidable damage or require a very specific roster requirement to mitigate the damage.

    Each month there are new defenders that you have to learn how to fight. It is becoming a burden and I see many people selling their accounts or quitting. Meanwhile some people here keep saying “learn some skill”. If next chapter of Varient or act 6 is released very soon and it requires the same amount of investment to complete I am pretty sure quitting wave will ensue.
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    Kalantak said:

    Not the difficulty it self but the bugs and laggs and some times lazy game design like reducing 50% attack and passive degen or shock etc that make some content difficult,annoying,uninteresting and mostly not Fun or interactive!!! Act 6.1 i'd say they nailed it ,(not about 4*) but overall difficulty was doable given time and some saving on units ,but variant i'll say it is not that well designed,lots of content that doesnt make sense there,and some fights r unbearablly difficult also ,even common fights aganst IMiw,or Hyperion or some fights in chapter 2 which are 'straight forward' by many standards ,are super difficult as well,1 mess up or missed parry or miss timed block and it costs u revives

    How is Magic in 6.1.6 buffed up node “nailing it”? Unless you are talking about one run on easy paths. Some paths in the chapter were flat out stupid and you had to spend tons of revives on no matter what.
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