1 Player Looking for Gold 2, Map 5x5 All 3 Groups

I'm a USA-based player in Pacific Time Zone.
Need a new Alliance for the next season. I'm uncollected, I'm used to Tier 9 Path 7 in AW, and I generally am able to one-shot champs like 6* dominos/Infinity men on the Arc Overload node. Active in AQ/AQ. I'm a solid attacker even though my 5* roster isn't where I'd like it to be by now.
If your alliance could use someone experienced with Path 7 and a Korg on defense, feel free to shoot me a message on Line.

Need a new Alliance for the next season. I'm uncollected, I'm used to Tier 9 Path 7 in AW, and I generally am able to one-shot champs like 6* dominos/Infinity men on the Arc Overload node. Active in AQ/AQ. I'm a solid attacker even though my 5* roster isn't where I'd like it to be by now.
If your alliance could use someone experienced with Path 7 and a Korg on defense, feel free to shoot me a message on Line.

Or chefgrinch in game