For me it's between Death and Evolution. I usually look for three things in dungeon crystals: What champions I really want, what champions would ruin my mood, and which champions I'm fine with getting.
Based on ratios of those three factors, my opinion of the order from worst to best would be chaos-nightmare-war-genesis-death-evolution, but it's different for each player depending on which champs they like or need
Any additional insights will be helpful, thx.
I usually look for three things in dungeon crystals: What champions I really want, what champions would ruin my mood, and which champions I'm fine with getting.
Based on ratios of those three factors, my opinion of the order from worst to best would be chaos-nightmare-war-genesis-death-evolution, but it's different for each player depending on which champs they like or need
But I took the risk with nightmare and got myself a 5* Omega