Next Beta: Collosus and Magneto

So i have an idea for the next time the beta comes up. As it has been two science and two cosmics, following the pattern would be two mutants.
Collosus us a very common drop and one of the best 3* champions of the games launch. His high damage made him very good for attacking, but his limited buffs and attak range just dont allow him to keep up with the game.
Magneto was added early on and has teo versions. This one will focus on the 90s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants variant, (purple/OG whatever you want to call him)
He has decent attack and abilities but they just dont fit him and what Magneto is about...
The changes...
Collosus could be given a few new buffs to really allow him to expand his usefulness.
Giving him the following would be a great addition to the 'giant steel c*** gobbler' as Deadpool calls him.
- Armor: No brianer as hes STEEL
- Physical Resist: Woulf make him alot tougher and allow him to control the damage of a critical hit.
- Passive Rage: A new buff that for every hit he takes while armor is active, converts into Passive Rage, increasing his attack by a %.
- Conduit; another new buff that reverses passive damage like Coldsnap, Energy Damage and Shock back at the opponents while his Armor is active.
Magneto could just do more against tech champions...
- Power Lock: While his opponent is magnetized, he has a power lock on them.
- Armor Break: Another buff active when opponents are magnetized.
Thats really all I got.
Anyone else got some ideas?
Collosus us a very common drop and one of the best 3* champions of the games launch. His high damage made him very good for attacking, but his limited buffs and attak range just dont allow him to keep up with the game.
Magneto was added early on and has teo versions. This one will focus on the 90s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants variant, (purple/OG whatever you want to call him)
He has decent attack and abilities but they just dont fit him and what Magneto is about...
The changes...
Collosus could be given a few new buffs to really allow him to expand his usefulness.
Giving him the following would be a great addition to the 'giant steel c*** gobbler' as Deadpool calls him.
- Armor: No brianer as hes STEEL
- Physical Resist: Woulf make him alot tougher and allow him to control the damage of a critical hit.
- Passive Rage: A new buff that for every hit he takes while armor is active, converts into Passive Rage, increasing his attack by a %.
- Conduit; another new buff that reverses passive damage like Coldsnap, Energy Damage and Shock back at the opponents while his Armor is active.
Magneto could just do more against tech champions...
- Power Lock: While his opponent is magnetized, he has a power lock on them.
- Armor Break: Another buff active when opponents are magnetized.
Thats really all I got.
Anyone else got some ideas?