Top 300 AQ looking for 4. Gold 1 AW.

AQ focused alliance looking for 4 to run 6x5. We do two whole BGs 6x5 and one 5x5. For the times that people need a break. We are relaxed about war but hit Gold 1 easily. No boosts needed. We hit 250 mil AQ each week. Around 22 map 6 crystals per set. 3 T2A per month.
We need some solid players that can handle map 6. Versatile roster preferred and 8K or close to it would be needed to help our AQ rating.
Discord for comms mandatory
B_Dizzle_01 ign
B_Dizzle_01#1147 discord
b_dizzle_01 line
We need some solid players that can handle map 6. Versatile roster preferred and 8K or close to it would be needed to help our AQ rating.
Discord for comms mandatory
B_Dizzle_01 ign
B_Dizzle_01#1147 discord
b_dizzle_01 line