He can still pull his weight. Occasionally has strong utility against nodes that punish crits (which are becoming more frequent in response to Ghost and Corvus)
Overall, not an awful pull, but a pretty niche pull to bring above r3 unless you're swimming in resources. IMO.
Thanks a lot guys, i really appreciate your halp a lot!!! Rank 3 is the current goal, unless i am not superlucky to get 3 t4 cosmic catalysts in the next few days to rank up venom 😛 So He gets to r3 and then i guess, if i reeeeeeeeally like him, then maybe r4 But this r3 is for Sure!!!
Overall, not an awful pull, but a pretty niche pull to bring above r3 unless you're swimming in resources. IMO.
Rank 3 is the current goal, unless i am not superlucky to get 3 t4 cosmic catalysts in the next few days to rank up venom 😛
So He gets to r3 and then i guess, if i reeeeeeeeally like him, then maybe r4
But this r3 is for Sure!!!