375k player looking for 5x5 alliance

I'm experienced with map 5. Leaving my current alliance due to inactivity of other players. I'm looking for an alliance that also runs war.

I'm a US based, active player. Name in game and on line is geministarz6.


  • StrudZStrudZ Member Posts: 44
    Hey check us out? We are running 5x5 and gold 2. Hitting 130M. We are looking to fill a few spots for guys needing a break.
    We do run discord though.
    In game name is StrudZ
  • CapAvengerCapAvenger Member Posts: 48
    Couldn’t find you on Line. Sent a request in game though
  • StrudZStrudZ Member Posts: 44
    Hope it's not an issue but we run discord for our alliance.
  • Bryon_502Bryon_502 Member Posts: 133
    Join me. My alliance tag is "Ear+t" you can search it in the find new alliance menu. My line ID is captian_planet. Make note of the off spelling.
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