Act 2 - Kang Who should I rank?

ShahmirGShahmirG Member Posts: 2
I was moving through everything easily until Kang destroyed my roster. Better late than never to learn parry and evade...
I'll get 5 prem crystals after beating him and almost have enough shards for a 4* crystal.
Who should I put iso8 into and rank that would help me for this as well as moving forward? Not someone who would become obsolete pretty soon?


  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Kang is beatable with your roster, no need to rank anyone up. Just practice evading and always bait the SP1 out of him and just get better at the game overall, because then you’ll be able to clear a lot more
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 817 ★★★
    Okay go with electro rank him up
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    you have two ways to kill kang:

    1. Use Gamora: level her up at her max (i suppose she is Rank 3 now, right? no need to rank here up, just bring her to 30/30), then try to get and keep a good number of furies and cruelties, regularly refereshing them with an heavy, learn how to dex Kang's SP1 (it's easy, you can practice with a Iron Man, they have the same animation) and you will kill him;
    2. Use Electro: rank him up, then abuse of his ability to reflect back some damage, revive when you're dead and repeat... XD

    i would also rank up Spider-Gwen, even as a 3 star will help you stopping evade and unstoppable :)
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Out of Ur 3* champs..I would recommend magik and one of wolverine or Ultron...magik will give u power control which will help u quite a lot until u can bait out specials more easily and wolverine and Ultron have the ability to regen which will help u in questing...Ultron regens whenever he drops below 50 and 25% and is double immune(poison and bleed) and wolverine regens based on the power he has so when playing him,don't use specials and keep him at 3 bars and he will regen a decent amount even unawakened...
    Also keep working on wasp..presently she won't be that good for u as Ur parry is not gonna be on point but once u get better in the game wasp's damage output will surely help
  • Shep99Shep99 Member Posts: 45
    That Gamora can beat him, when I reached him I had a 3 star duped gamora too and was in exactly the same position you are in now, it took me a couple of runs through and attempts but in the end once you get the hang of his animation you can predict his moves and counter, just watch that heavy attack, it is fast! IMO he is the first real test of the game, so good luck
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    You do t need to rank anyone up for Kang, that team is more than enough
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