Need Alliance with 8.3k Prestige and Future Plat4

Ign K.A.K.S. With 8.3k prestige. Can play AQ map6.

Need a alliance with similar prestige and Plat4 capability.


  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
  • Kaks0053Kaks0053 Posts: 83
  • G1508G1508 Posts: 1
    G1508 is my line ID
  • Hey KAKS, we have room for two in our alliance. Finished gold 1 last season but have potential to land in Plat 4. I sent an in game request also. Line is grim-reaper70
  • We run maps 5/4 in AQ for now.
  • Wh4linWh4lin Posts: 24
    Hello KAKS we finished high gold 1
    looking To finish platinum 4.
    Concentrating on AQ map6/5 out of season
    Room for two if available. We’re a strong cooperative alliance that keep growing
    Gamer tag Wh4lin if you are interested
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