Throwing random heavies without holding down attack.

Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
This has been an issue for me for around 2 weeks now. I can be in the middle of a combo and the champ randomly throws a heavy, it can be in any quest, dungeon or arena. Its really starting to piss me off since i die a ton because of it. Ive been trying to take down act 6.2 champion with she-hulk but die because of this bug. Is anyone else experiencing this and will it get fixed?


  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    It's been doing this for months now
  • 今天看今天看 Member Posts: 6
    Same stuck on champion with 3k worth of resource down the drain
  • Primis00Primis00 Member Posts: 274 ★★★
    Carames said:

    It's been doing this for months now

    Yeah and its ruining the game for me right now. Feels cheap as hell to have to use so many potions in aq and aw just because of a bug that should have been fixed long ago
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