I am really exited for the Maw and Cull balance changes post for a different reason than most people

So they said that Human Torch and Annihilus are both a bit lacking in offense. I 100% agree with them. The champs are good but need a bit of love. Now we have Cull and Noodle. I am SO READY to hear Kabam describe them. What will they say? Cull is "decent on offensive" or will they be honest and say he is a beast? Even better Mr Noodles hit harder. Will they say he is slightly underwhelming in offense or will they admit he is a total joke and maybe the worst when it comes to damage? Like I know they have to be formal but how can you describe Maw's offense abilities other than I stood up to quick one time and it had more impact?
Now, the error where he could take out UC event boss last month in 3 hits..yup. but that was their mix up. He takes the same amount of time and hits most other top champs do.
EDIT: Nevermind, misread the post. I thought a maw/cull change was announced. Carry on.