Looking for AQ focused alliance

Looking for an AQ focused alliance with good communication. I want to focus on in game content and AQ and have no interest in war.

Line ID: junrockz


  • JunroxxJunroxx Member Posts: 5
    Preferably 5x5 AQ
  • DesNutz81DesNutz81 Member Posts: 17
    We run map 5x5 AQ Only, War is optional for 1 BG. If interested HMU Line: LegendofLoso
  • Masquerade1981Masquerade1981 Member Posts: 296
    My alliance might fit the bill. We're a fun/chill/active alliance running AQ Map 5/6, 100% all 5 days and optional AW. Hit me up on LINE if you're interested.

    LINE: jessetrippe
    IGN: Masquerade1981
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