Since this is a pay to win game...

Experimentor_723Experimentor_723 Member Posts: 10
edited August 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
The reason I dont like pay to win games is that they force you to play in their manner in order to pay them for a quick progress. It is what it is, it doesnt bother me anymore.
But this is the main reason I refuse to pay them. If I have to pay them I want at least to play the game in my way.
So if you want my money dear kabam, and others money who think like me, make a summoner sigil who gives you some downgrade tickets and also let you sell your 5* champ.
I will pay for a sigil like that. [removed by Moderator] If you want my money let me play in my way.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Experimentor_723Experimentor_723 Member Posts: 10
    is the same old problem.... I want to be able to sell my champs. And I said that I would even pay for that.
  • Experimentor_723Experimentor_723 Member Posts: 10
    I dont find it reasonable to have the same champ as a 6* and 5* as well...
  • Parodical_Sun1Parodical_Sun1 Member Posts: 143
    edited August 2019
    Here is my issue,the drop rate for this game, is getting beyond frustrating, giving players the same champs over and over again, until they are basically maxed out on signatures 99 for old 4* champs, but yet they constantly bringing in newer and more powerful champs, which is harder to acquire when they first come out. Either through completing EQ ,having a good alliance, or waiting until they become basic premium crystal champs, even though the awaken shards goes towards 5* champs and when they get duped awaken, those shard points goes towards 6* champs. I would love to play with newer champs instead of having them in waiting to be ranked up or waiting the odds of them being awaken.
  • Experimentor_723Experimentor_723 Member Posts: 10
    Downgrade tickets = rank down tickets. My bad....
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